Welcome to the googology course!

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I am your teacher, Mr. A, and in this course I will show you googology, also known as the study of large numbers.

Here is a few resources:

The purpose of this course is to help you prepare for the following googology courses:
and miscellaneous googology knowledge!

I will make sure to mention the most important lessons from these courses to aid you in your "googology career".

Unit 1:

Lesson 1 - Introduction

This presentation should help you understand:

Googology 1 - concept 1.1

Presentation made by Mr. A, for a googology canvas course.

What is googology really?

What doesn't count?

Why is googology important?

Where does the name come from?

Some googology history:

A few Important googologists:

Lesson 2 - Exponentiation

This presentation should help you understand:

Googology 1 - concept 1.2

Presentation made by Mr. A, for a googology canvas course.

What is Exponentiation?

\[x^n = \overbrace{x \times x \times x \cdots \times x \times x}^n\]

Properties of Exponentiation:

\(2^x\) for \(0<x<8\) is: 2 , 4 , 8 , 16 , 32 , 64 , 128 , 256
\(3^x\) for \(0<x<8\) is: 3 , 9 , 27 , 81 , 243 , 729 , 2187 , 6561

Properties of Exponentiation (cont.):

Remember: \(log(n^x) = x \cdot log(n)\) \[c^x > x^c\] \[a^{(b^c)} > (a^b)^c\]

What googologisms can we make?